A couple of Saturdays ago Pete was working so I took the kids down to Salem for the annual "Ag Fest" at the state fairgrounds (I told Daphne it was Farm Day...she tends to associate festivals with rides, unfortunately). My mom met us there and we all had a grand (read: exhausting) time. There was so much to do and we barely scratched the surface. Kids under 12 were free and nearly everything inside was free once you got in. They even had a big farm breakfast that was free for kids 3 and under.
I think we'll try to go next year too if anyone would like to join us!
And for the record, we didn't see any pigs. Thought you might be curious.
I'm sure Rach & I will go...she's all about that "stuff"
Rosie, how on earth did you get that picture of James sitting upright, unsupported on the pony? I thought I saw you holding on to him the whole ride!
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