Last week Daphne began swimming lessons at the local high school pool, just a couple blocks away from our house. She seems to be enjoying them well enough. She's gaining a good balance of comfort and healthy fear of the water. There are only 2 kids in her group and they each stand on a little platform while they wait their turn. The teacher is clearly bored out of her mind, but I doubt the kids can tell. Meanwhile I have acquired an exciting new job which is to keep James from crawling into a pool and drowning himself two times per week for 30 minutes. So far I've been successful, but it's getting harder each time. Wishing he was a better fan of the stroller.
It's difficult to take pictures in horrible lighting while restraining James, but actually not too difficult to take video. So here's a couple thrilling clips from the second lesson.
Daphne isn't lacking in stimulating activities! Does she still do gymnastics? I see what you mean re the teacher...
The non-emoting teacher is the funniest thing about the video! Daphne looks like she's having a great time - so the juxtaposition of the two is hilarious!
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