Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Daphne Turns 5 (!!!)

We now have a 5-year-old. Who likes mermaids. She really is quite the shape-shifter these days.

Here is her mercake...
Her merfriends listening to a merstory...
And coloring tails...
For pin-the-tail-on-the-mermaid (The merbirthday girl's creation).
But not before the merblindfold...
Merpa and Merbro
Happy Birthday Daphne! We love you, both with or without your tail!


Melissa said...

she is such a beautiful young lady! Isn't hard to believe we have five year olds? (Well Zach will be five Dec 31st).

Unknown said...

Lovely, Rosie, thank you!

Debbie said...

What a fun Mermaid Party. Glad we could share in the fun! Debbie & Lily