I recently took up sewing. I'm taking a class through the local community college and our project is a pillowcase and a small pillow. So this pillowcase for Daphne was my first sewing project.
My reasons for taking up sewing are many and varied, but mainly I just figured it was high time I learned. I remember being fascinated with my mom's sewing basket as a child, but I never had any interest in taking home ec and passed up on (or zoned out during) various family members' attempts to teach me. But now that I am learning, a side-bonus for Pete is that the sewing world is ripe with puns, and I will be forced to endure them. Darn. ;)
Anyway, I'm glad she likes it. It was sew fun to make. Hardy har har.
wow, Rosie, that's beautiful!
VERY cute Rosie! I love your fabric choices. And Daphne looks adorable laying on it. :)
Cool, Rosie! Very pretty pillow case and daughter. I'm happy you're trying it at long last!
You should make an apron.
Did Pete say the sewing world is ripe with pins?
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