We have 2 flavors of kid. We have the "doer" and the "observer" - the "no fear" and the "slow to warm up" - the "extrovert" and "introvert." See if you can figure out which is which.
Constructing a "dirt baby" Which will, in theory, turn out like this eventually: GAAHHH! Nightmare fuel! Thank you, yes, everyone loves an aggressive clown.
Sword vs. Flower. Sword lost. Pointing out the marked queen: What they were watching (he did it almost all in once piece!): Daphne's favorite part James watched. :)
Scene: After dinner. Rosie's gone to the gym. The kids are playing in the living room while Pete tries to squeeze in a bit of MBA homework after a long day at work.
Daphne: Daddy, I'd like to make a sign for my door. Pete: (looking at computer screen) Sure, sweetie, go ahead. Daphne: Daddy, can I use this pen? Pete: (looking at computer screen) Sure, baby.
Everyone goes about his/her business for several minutes. Upstairs for bath time, Daphne is eager to show her daddy the door signs she made.
With a Sharpie.
Authorized by Daddy.
(For the record, I don't share a room with James. "James just needs Mommy's help more")
These pictures got lost in my photo files as I was opening a new folder for 2010. It snowed in Portland a couple days before the new year, and Daphne got a chance to play a little bit.
Later that evening we took James out. You can see how this went for him... about 10 seconds of this... before back under the porch and this...