Old news is getting older all the time. Here's a beach visit from back when Pete was in China. My mum came along. See 'em down there on the left?

This was only our second time to the beach with the kids. I keep thinking this can't be true, but it really is. The blog record proves it - we didn't even bother going at all last year. We're just not
beach people.

Daphne had been asking for a kite, so we brought one this time. She was interested for about 3 minutes. I'm sure all the parents in the audience can relate.

"The sun's too bright and there's wind and there's sand on me and Daphne won't let me use the kite and why did you bring me here and waahhh!"

James finally gets a turn. His interest drastically diminished when Daphne's did. Again, parents in the audience???

Well, Nana and I had fun with it anyway.

Few things have the power to cheer up a little boy more than rocks...

Some beach repose...

Oh, I'm sucker for these shots...


And one for brother...

We'll be back to the beach in September with the whole Holman clan! Watch for corresponding blog post sometime in March...